Down Under — A cookbook dedicated to the people at the historic Queen Victoria Market.

Down Under is a cookbook dedicated to the Queen Victoria Market. The project’s mission is to celebrate multiculturalism within Melbourne and the QVM through sharing stories and great food with the community. It explores the variety of cuisine and products available at QVM, also focuses on the personal stories and experiences of the people of the market. Down Under aims to be a user centered project. The motto is to ‘Experience’, ‘Create’ and ‘Share’. This three step process outlines the journey we hope our users go through upon discovering Down Under. Experiencing the market first hand and becoming inspired. To then creating your own stories and sharing them with others. This journey that our users undertake will hopefully draw the attention of others and inspire them to the same.

This studio project investigates storytelling that offers an opportunity to examine a new insight into the Queen Victoria Market. As an adjunct to the Melbourne Innovation District project, this project seeks to engage audience/visitors to a specific site, to produces an intimate experience for people who occupy that space, in this case is the QVM.


Art Director, Designer: Vy Nguyen
Designer: Brenda Magallon
Photographer: Gabbie Steele
Content: Nate Du
Web Designer: Issac Toth, Nate Du



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