Always physical, visceral & raw work. Scott loves using space in unique ways, travel, movement & the power of words.


Powerful Intimacy



Personal Connection


|ˈ(h)wipˌlaSH | noun

‘A jerk or jolt, typically to cause injury’;

‘Move suddenly and forcefully’.

A battle for the body.

Whiplash: a one-man show by award-winning physical theatre artist, poet, and comedian Scott Wings.

A meditation on toxic masculinity, love, the human form and mental health, in a subversive world of storytelling. In a playful odyssey through mouth, stomach, lungs and beyond, Scott balances his brain and chases his heart, while trying to keep up with the person sitting across from him on a date.

Art Direction – Branding – Marketing Collaterals – Photoshoot – Photo Editing.

The story of a heart escaping, a brain that follows it and a body trying to contain them both

His brain doesn’t agree with him and his heart wants to escape…

“In his hands, or words, it becomes a dynamic fusion of spoken word, physical theatre, comedy and poetry” – Broadway Baby

Artist/Performer: Scotty Wings
Graphic Design: Vy Ray
Photos: Bill Lowe, Vy Ray
Producer: Morgan Little

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